What makes our CRM solutions stand out

Our core CRM design philosophy can be summarized by the concepts we abide by

  1. Data Integrity: Ensures that all data is accurate, consistent, and reliable across the system. Implements data validation, de-duplication, and regular data cleansing processes and input validations (both at the Application layer & the Database layer).
  2. User-Friendly Interfaces: Offers an intuitive, visually appealing and easy-to-navigate interface. Provides a consistent user experience across different devices and platforms.
  3. Workflow Automation: Automates repetitive tasks and processes, such as lead assignment, trackers of sorts, follow-ups, email campaigns etc. Allows users to create their own custom workflows tailored to their needs.
  4. Seamless Record Assignment: Automatically assigns records to the appropriate team members based on predefined rules and criteria. Ensures that no leads or opportunities slip through the cracks.
  5. Real-Time Notifications: Sends instant notifications to users when important events occur, such as lead updates, task assignments, or deal closures approvals. Keeps everyone informed and enables quick action.
  6. Customization and Flexibility: Enable users to customize views and reports to match their unique requirements. PowerApps provides the flexibility to adapt to changing needs and scale as the business grows.
  7. Third-Party Integrations: Seamlessly integrates with other business tools, such as email clients, marketing automation platforms, and accounting software. Enables a unified view of customer interactions and data. Furthermore, asks us about replacing external systems in favor of new custom modules within your PowerApps.
  8. Mobile Accessibility: Provides a mobile app or responsive design that allows users to access and update CRM data on the go. Enables sales teams to be productive and responsive, even when away from their desks using native PowerApps for iOS or Android – built by Microsoft.
  9. Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Offers robust reporting capabilities and real-time analytics dashboards. Provides insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and campaign effectiveness. Utilize our experts to create powerful PowerBI dashboards and reports!
  10. Security and Compliance: Implements strong security measures, such as role-based access control, data encryption, and audit trails. Ensures compliance with industry regulations and data protection laws.
  11. Collaborative Features: Facilitates collaboration among team members by providing shared calendars, document management, and communication tools. Enables seamless coordination and information sharing including Out of the Box Sharepoint and/or Teams integrations!
  12. AI and Machine Learning: Leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to provide intelligent recommendations, predictive analytics, sentiment analysis and automated data enrichment. Enhances decision-making and improves overall efficiency.
  13. Scalability and Performance: Designed to handle large volumes of data and users without compromising performance. Ensures fast response times and minimal downtime, even during peak usage.

Customer Support and Training: Provides comprehensive customer support, including online resources, tutorials, and dedicated support staff. Offers training programs to help users get the most out of the system.

Our Implementation Guidelines

We talk a big game about cleanliness, consistency, agility and capability – but how do we achieve all that?  Here are just some of our trade secrets:

  1. Consistent behavior across Forms/Views/Fields and naming conventions
  2. Your entire CRM solution as single exportable file
  3. Your entire Client-Side scripts in a single solution
  4. Your entire Server-Side logic in a single solution
  5. Avoiding 3rd party addons where possible
  6. Strict data rules & integrity
  7. Tight security model
  8. Modular schema
  9. Lenient tasks completions
  10. Self-enriching data elements
  11. Zero-tolerance for data duplication
  12. Proprietary Change-Tracking mechanism
  13. Proprietary Email-Notifications mechanism

With our winning implementation philosophy, we’re able to provide powerful and extendible CRM solutions helping our clients to manage their business processes and relationships effectively to ultimately drive growth!