Beautiful UIs with PowerApps Component Framework

PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) was still a game-changing technology that empowers developers to create custom, interactive, and visually stunning user interfaces within PowerApps forms on model-driven apps. By leveraging the power of JavaScript and React, PCF allows developers to build highly sophisticated and responsive components that seamlessly integrate with the native PowerApps experience. This framework opens up a world of possibilities, enabling the creation of tailored, feature-rich applets that can significantly enhance user engagement and productivity.

One of the key advantages of using PCF is its flexibility and extensibility. Developers can harness the vast ecosystem of JavaScript libraries, including the robust components available through Node.js, to build powerful and dynamic UIs that meet the specific needs of their organization. Moreover, by utilizing Fluent UI themes, PCF components can be designed to maintain a consistent and native look and feel within PowerApps forms, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. The agility and versatility of PCF make it an indispensable tool for organizations seeking to create custom, high-performance solutions that can adapt to their unique business requirements and drive innovation across their PowerApps-based applications.

In this example below you can see some of the custom UIs we’ve created back in 2020 for a large investment bank. The demo was captured from a Development environment with meaningful elements hidden to achieve complete privacy. Last I heard those custom dashboards and forms are still running strong!

We have plenty of ideas where PCFs can shine best, for example allowing agents to formulate custom/complex/configurable Sales Quotes.   So instead of navigating through multiple tables to update, create & associate records to create the Quote, it can be achieved from a single sleek UI with all sorts of Expand/Minimize buttons, Add/Remove Product and so on, with all data elements calculated on the fly making it extra easy to create and submit complicated Quote structures with ease.  Think about that in terms of Hours Saved x Months Utilized x Number of Users!


The PCF community is thriving with plenty of FREE value-added controls

Some of our favorites are

Address Auto-Complete (with Validation)

Speech-to-Text works from Desktop and Mobile

Various Advanced Rendering of N:N / OptionSets

Advanced Notes mechanism

SharePoint File Explorer

Custom Rich Text editor

Text Sentiment Anysis

Extra Editable Tables

Multi-Files uploader

Gant Viewer