When it comes to implementing CRM systems, choosing the right methodology is crucial. While Agile became the go-to projects approach for many years now, it may not always be the best fit every time. Here are some reasons for that:

  1. Lack of clear end-goals: Agile methodology is based on the idea of iterative development and adapting to changes along the way. However, CRM implementations often require a clear understanding of the end-goals and desired outcomes from the beginning. Without a well-defined scope and requirements, the project can easily get derailed or miss critical features.
  2. Complexity and dependencies: CRM systems are often complex and have multiple dependencies on other systems and processes within the organization. Agile’s focus on delivering small, incremental changes may not be suitable for managing these complexities effectively. A more structured, linear approach like Waterfall may be better suited to ensure all necessary integrations and configurations are properly planned and executed.
  3. Need for extensive planning: Successful CRM implementations require extensive upfront planning, including data migration strategies, process mapping, and user training plans. Agile’s emphasis on minimal documentation and just-in-time planning may not provide the level of detail and preparation needed for a smooth CRM rollout.
  4. Stakeholder engagement: CRM projects often involve multiple stakeholders from different departments, each with their own requirements and expectations. Agile’s fast-paced, iterative approach may not allow enough time for thorough stakeholder engagement and alignment, leading to miscommunications and project delays.
  5. Resistance to change: Implementing a new CRM system often requires significant organizational change and user adoption efforts. Agile’s incremental delivery approach may not provide enough time for change management activities, such as user training and process redesign, which are critical for ensuring successful adoption of the new system.
  6. Budget and timeline constraints: CRM implementations often have fixed budgets and timelines based on business needs and priorities. Agile’s flexibility and emphasis on responding to change may not always align with these constraints, potentially leading to scope creep and budget overruns.
  7. Vendor limitations: Some CRM vendors and implementation partners may not be well-versed in Agile methodologies, which can create challenges in terms of alignment, communication, and delivery expectations.

While Agile can be a powerful approach for certain types of IT projects, it’s important to carefully consider the specific needs and constraints of each initiative. For CRM implementations and other projects with complex dependencies, fixed requirements, and significant organizational change components, a more traditional, plan-driven methodology may be more appropriate to ensure successful delivery and adoption.

Our alternative is rather revolutionary and it has worked tremendously well on any engagement that allowed us to work in our fashion.  For lack of a better term we describe it as “Hyper Agile”, and it’s a simple 3-Steps approach:

Step 1 – Talk the Talk

  1. Current standing reviews
  2. Evaluating existing challenges
  3. Looking at future/best-case scenarios

Typically we do this over 2 or 3 sessions with the client. After which we submit a number of possible game plans (each with associated efforts/prices).

Step 2 – Mini Waterfall

  1. Creating your future system “on paper”
  2. List out the anticipated tables, columns-types on Excel files
  3. Illustrate the future Database schema on a Visio file
  4. Describe your business streams and how we achieve them

Typically takes us a week to generate, making our design and end-product visible.

Step 3 – Hyper-Agile

  1. Dynamics Wizards prepare their first showcase
  2. We begin an iterative cycle of 2 showcase meetings per week on set days & hours, where we tweak, align, re-do etc. Ultimately creating your dream CRM
  3. Help you load all your existing data on to the new CRM
  4. Provide our handoff package with complete design documents

Naturally step 3 requires the longest to complete but with our unique 2 weekly showcase sessions per week and our interest to achieve our qualitative implementation goals in the quickest time possible, we place you well on your way to success!

In this project example below, you may not find the biggest or fanciest CRM solution, but you would find a well thought and customized solution which has only taken our team 4 months to complete without any of that Agile mumbo-jumbo.

That specific implementation included:

+30 tables
+15 security roles
+20 Business Units
+25 Power Automate Flows
+10 separate Model Driven Apps